Spiritual Formation
With an emphasis on providing a solid academic education with a distinctive Christian perspective, DCS has been partnering with parents to raise children who will have the skills they need to be active participants in their homes, their churches, their jobs, and their communities.
Each learning community has their own chapel each week. Classes take turns leading their peers in time of worship and learning.
GIFT Groups
Growing In Faith Together is a way for our K-2nd graders to come together as a community of believers. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through worship, God’s spoken word, and testimonies from believers who have gone before us and who are currently walking alongside us. It is such a powerful experience hearing God’s children worship with all of their hearts, share stories of God’s love and faithfulness, and be challenged to live a life of discipleship as Christ lived his!
Prayer Partners
The 3rd and 4th graders meet with a prayer partner from their homeroom once a month. During this time, they share praises, requests and answered prayers with one another, and then spend time praying together. Using scripture focused on prayer and following prayer formats, including ACTS one year and GIFTS the next year, allows students to grow deeper in their prayer life. Having a consistent partner to share with encourages students to nurture one another’s hearts with Biblical truth.
Small Groups
In 5th grade, students have the opportunity to participate in small groups. Students are placed in groups of 6-7 with a teacher or parent volunteer, and meet in the groups about once or twice a month during Chapel time. This is a really great opportunity for the fifth graders to grow in their faith in a new context, sharing their personal faith and exploring the Bible alongside a small group of peers and their leader.
Accountability Groups
All middle school students are assigned to a small group with an adult leader. These groups are formed in 6th grade and stay together all three years of middle school. The groups generally meet two Friday mornings each month. On the rest of the Fridays, we either have a chapel speaker or a singing chapel.
Friday Mornings (FM)
Students may choose to attend the Friday Morning prayer group that meets from 7:15-7:30 and provides a time of prayer for middle school students and teachers. Doughnuts, milk, and juice are provided monthly thanks to School Circle.
Sign Up For A Campus Tour
We would love to have you visit our campus. After completing the form, you will be contacted to arrange a time to meet our staff and receive a tour of our campus.
Why Dutton Christian School
Hear what some of our parents have to say about their experience here.
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10