School Circle
Who is Who is School Circle? You are! All parents are members of School Circle during the time their children are enrolled at Dutton Christian School. School Circle elects a board of officers each spring who serve a two-year term – the first year as a vice-officer and the second year as lead-officer.
What is School Circle?
Many volunteer and service opportunities are available at DCS! School Circle coordinates volunteers needed in the classroom as well as all various fellowship and fundraising events throughout the year. Please consider helping where you are able.
School Circle strives to build community and fellowship within our school by coordinating different social functions throughout the school year. For example, an annual bus trip, roller-skating parties, Donuts with Dudes, Sweetheart Dance, Ladies & Lads, and Grandparents Day are just a few of the fellowship events in which we work to build a strong and caring community at DCS.
The financial support and fundraising generated by School Circle is used in many ways. A portion of the money is given each year to the school’s operating fund in order to keep the cost of tuition down. In addition, our fundraisers allow us to enrich educational experiences provided at DCS not covered by tuition dollars, including school chapels, 7th grade Outdoor Education, Robotics, sports team uniforms, and various gifts/bereavement, and refreshments for many school meetings and functions.
Invest In The Dutton Christian School Community
The School Circle brochure outlines service, fellowship, and fundraising opportunities at DCS in more detail. Where do you feel God calling you to volunteer your time and talents? By investing yourself in the DCS community, you will be contributing to your children’s educations, meeting new people, and making new friends. Please consider volunteering your talents in at least one area. Your help will go a long way toward making DCS a successful and God-centered place for your child to learn.
Sign Up For A Campus Tour
We would love to have you visit our campus. After completing the form, you will be contacted to arrange a time to meet our staff and receive a tour of our campus.
Why Dutton Christian School
Hear what some of our parents have to say about their experience here.
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10