Our PreKindergarten program will provide many experiences to aid the growth and development of your child, helping him or her to become a creative decision-maker, constructive problem-solver, cooperative playmate, and an appreciative child of God’s creation – exploring and investigating His world. Christ is the center of our program. His world is our playground.
Goals of Our Prekindergarten Program

To develop a sense of wonder, excitement, and appreciation for God’s creation.

To encourage the growth of a positive self-image, problem-solving strategies, and mutual respect by allowing children to explore, choose, and express themselves.

To encourage each child to develop his or her own creativity and uniqueness by giving them the freedom to try new ideas.

To encourage artistic exploration through various media and open-ended activities.

To encourage the development of small and large muscle skills, visual and auditory discrimination, and cognitive development.

To develop an assurance of God’s love for the child and encourage a loving response to God and others.

To establish a sense of social responsibility by encouraging cooperation and sensitivity to others.

To encourage good listening and work habits.

Above all, to build an atmosphere of Christian love and acceptance that will enable all other goals to be achieved.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the average class size for three- and four-year PreKindergarten?
The 3s classes are capped at 16 children, the teacher, and a paraprofessional.
The 4s classes are capped 18 children, the teacher, and a paraprofessional.
Do the parents need to provide any supplies for the PreKindergarten classes?
Dutton Christian School generously supplies our learning materials. Parents are given the opportunity to donate project supplies during the school year. We appreciate their generosity.
Will my child eat during class? How do you handle snacks?
Students in the 3s classes have a snack calendar and parents take turns bringing snacks for the whole class.
Students in the 4s classes bring his or her own healthy snacks and water bottles each day.
How many field trips do the children participate in each semester? Does DCS provide transportation or do the parents need to bring their child to/from each field trip?
- The three-year-old class will take two field trips per school year. Michigan state law requires that each student must be accompanied by his or her parent on the field trip.
- The four-year-olds take approximately 5 field trips per school year which expand on our classroom themes. Michigan state law requires that each student must be accompanied by his or her parent to the field trips.
- The four-year-old nature-based class will take 2 formal field trips a year. Michigan state law requires that each student must be accompanied by his or her parent to the field trips.
Does my child need to be potty trained before they start preschool? What if they have an accident?
Yes, your child must be potty trained before coming to preschool. Each classroom has its own bathroom, and your child is free to use it at any time. If your child has an accident at school, we will lovingly and efficiently take care of it.
How do I know if my child is ready to start PreKindergarten?
Children who are 3 years old by September 1 and potty trained meet our entrance requirements for our 3-year-old PreKindergarten program. Children who are 4 years old by September 1 meet our entrance requirements for our four-year-old PreKindergarten program.
Do the children have recess or get to play on the playground? If so, how often?
YES! We use the playground as often as we can during the school year.
What time does school start and end?
3s PreKindergarten:
- Tues/Thurs 8:15-10:30am
- Wed/Fri 8:15-10:30am
- Tues/Wed/Fri 10:45-1:00pm
Traditional 4s PreKindergarten:
- Mon/Wed/Fri 8:15-11:15am
- Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00-3:00pm
- Mon-Fri 12:00-3:00pm
Nature-based 4s PreKindergarten:
- Mon/Tues/Thurs 8:15-11:15am
- Mon/Tues/Thurs 12:00-3:00pm
Hurry, Enrollment for PreK Begins Jan 1st – APPLY NOW!
Children are enrolled on a yearly basis. Enrollment is done online. Please click on the Apply button at the top of the page to fill out an application at no cost. Parents will be notified by email when class lists are formed in mid-February. At that time, parents will complete the enrollment process and submit a $150 non-refundable enrollment fee.
Sign Up For A Campus Tour
We would love to have you visit our campus. After completing the form, you will be contacted to arrange a time to meet our staff and receive a tour of our campus.
Why Dutton Christian School
Hear what some of our parents have to say about their experience here.
“Our world belongs to God and all truth comes from Him.”