Dutton Christian School Foundation
Dutton Christian depends on financial gifts over and above tuition to enhance our mission. The Dutton Christian School Foundation specifically keeps the cost of tuition down with annual contributions to the general fund.
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Financial support of the Dutton Christian School Foundation keeps on giving since the principal is invested and your gift will always be there to generate dividends. The foundation had its beginning in 1993 with the passing of Mrs. Jean VanderVeen. All gifts given in memory of a loved one, unless otherwise designated, are invested into the Foundation. The return of investments given to the general fund in 2023-24 was $179,000. The Foundation encourages the Biblical principles of stewardship by providing a giving opportunity that provides the greatest possible tax advantage for individuals, families, and businesses. Gifts to the Foundation include cash, property, and stocks. All gifts are tax-deductible and provide long-term financial security for Dutton Christian School.
4 Reasons to Give from Your IRA
More and more supporters ages 70 1/2 and older give to Dutton Christian School directly from their individual retirement accounts. For those who qualify, IRA gifts offer a convenient, cost-effective and powerful way to further the important work of nurturing the heart of students with Biblical truth and equipping minds through academic excellence.
You can give up to $100,000 per year as a single person or $200,000 per year as a married couple from separate IRA accounts.
What makes a qualified charitable distribution from an IRA so appealing?
1. If you don’t need the income, your IRA administrator can write a check directly from your account to Dutton Christian School. It’s a simple way to meet all or part of your required minimum distributions and give in a meaningful way!
2. Charitable distributions reduce your taxable income. This is advantageous even if you don’t itemize deductions on your tax return.
3. Gifts from your IRA can be used to fulfill any charitable giving pledges you have made.
4. Any IRA distributions you make to charity will not be taxed. The entirety of your gift will go towards Dutton Christian School.
Stock: the perfect year-end gift
If you are contemplating a year-end gift, consider giving appreciate stock to stretch the value and impact of your support. Not only will you further the important work of Dutton Christian School but you will also benefit from tremendous cost-savings!
When you donate stock or other securities that you’ve owned for at least a year, you…
1. Give in a substantial way without restricting your cash flow.
2. Receive a fair market value tax deduction at the time of your gift, and
3. Avoid taxes you would have owed on the sale.
Giving stoc is the perfect, cost-effective way to close out a year of generosity. You’ll experience the peace of knowing you have accomplished the greatest good with your God-given resources.
Why I became a monthly donor

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Why Dutton Christian School
Hear what some of our parents have to say about their experience here.
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10