Growing by Grace: A Multi-Phase, Multi-Year Capital Campaign

We are excited to share information with you about Growing by Grace, a capital campaign that would allow us to expand at the North Campus to accommodate our growing student body. This will be a multi-phase, multi-year campaign that, when finished, will have added:

  • An entrance off 68th Street and a fire lane to the West and North of the building
  • Additional parking for overflow, sporting events and activities
  • 12 classrooms to the Southwest corner of the North Campus
Phase 1: Site Preparation & 68th St. Entrance

Phase 1

Site Preparation & 68th St. Entrance

Phase 1: Site Preparation & 68th St. Entrance

Phase 2

6 Classrooms

Phase 1: Site Preparation & 68th St. Entrance

Phase 3

6 Classrooms

Phase 1: Site Preparation & 68th St. Entrance

Phase 4

& Band Room

Our current campaign focus is Phase 1 & 2 totaling $7.3 million.

Growing by Grace master plan - 4 phases
Phase 1 - Site Preparation

Phase 1 – Site Preparation & 68th St. Entrance

DCS purchased the land to the North and West of the north campus. There is much work to be done to prepare the land for use. In addition, a second entrance off of 68th Street would help alleviate congestion during heavy traffic times. Additional parking would be used for sporting events and overflow parking for school events, such as Grandparents Day.


  • Additional entrance off 68th Street
  • Additional parking lot for sporting events and overflow
  • Move utilities and create a retention pond
  • Playground relocation
  • Fire lane along the West and North side of the building

Projected cost: $2 million – RAISED 
Estimated timing: Begin summer 2024 – COMPLETED

Phase 1 - Site Preparation
Click to view larger image.

Phase 2 – Additional 6 Classrooms

In 2025, our hope is to move our second graders to the north campus. We have record enrollment in our prekindergarten, kindergarten and early 5’s classes and space at the south campus continues to be a challenge. The additional classrooms allow for four sections of second through fourth grades.


  • Addition of 6 classrooms on the Southwest corner of the north campus
  • Classrooms will be shifted around to ensure age-appropriate learning communities
  • Educational Support Services space
  • Bathrooms

Projected cost: $5.3 million – RAISED!
Estimated timing: Begin January 2025, completed by July 31, 2025

Phase 2 - Classrooms
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Dutton Christian School student
Dutton Christian School teacher and student

Phase 3 – Additional 6 Classrooms

Additional classrooms are needed to allow for four sections of fifth grade through eighth grade.

  • 6 classrooms
  • Small kitchen
  • Common spaces
Projected cost: $5.6 million*
Estimated timing: 2027 or 2028 based on enrollment

*Ideally, we would like to build all classrooms at one time (Phase 2 & 3), which would result in a $300,000 plus savings (not including inflation and other rising costs).

Phase 3 - Functional Space
Click to view larger image.

Phase 4 – Gymnasium & Band Room

Our current music room and gym are near or at capacity. With our growing enrollment, we’re seeing an increase in demand for our athletic programs and intramural activities. We currently have 28 athletic teams, requiring more space for practices and games. A new gym will accommodate physical education classes, athletic team practice times, and intramural activities. A new band room will be used for fifth through eighth grade band and will create two music spaces at this campus instead of one.


  • Gymnasium – for athletic programs, physical education, and sporting events
  • Band room – for music classes and small concerts
Projected cost: $10 million*
Estimated timing: TBD

*Cost estimate could change based on timing of Phase 4.

Phase 4 - Co-curricular Space
Click to view larger image.
Dutton Christian School

Now Accepting Donations

Support the Dutton Christian School’s Growing by Grace Capital Campaign by making a donation. One-time, monthly, or quarterly donations are accepted.

For more information or to talk to someone further about the campaign please call Dan Netz or Mark Witvliet at 616.698.8660.

““…Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end – it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.”